Monday, February 4, 2013

Sewing Room Disaster Recovery

One of my goals this time around posting blogs is never to post anything that isn't worth reading.  Like posting to just be posting.  Until I get going, there may be a few posts--like this one--that are more musings and thoughts, but I hope to make each Monday a worthwhile visit for you.

I think the last time I wrote about my sewing room, I was moving things out and around.  I didn't get very far.  It's still a disaster and not much has been done.  I am trying to get rid of a lot of music from a private teaching business I ran for almost 20 years.  This has not been as easy as "putting it on eBay" as I had hoped.  I can't seem to give the music away.  However, I will keep trying and hope to post some on eBay just to be able to get rid of it now.

I have this horrible cubby hole thing my husband brought home from work.  My husband kinda-sorta put it together wrong.  When I pointed it out to him, the glue was dry.  Ugh.  I want to get rid of it without him know I was getting rid of it because I'm afraid of hurting his feelings.  I had this great box that was the perfect size for patterns.  Can't find any more of them, so I got some file boxes.  These are too big, but what I did decide that once I sew something, instead of putting the whole pattern back in that envelope, I can label a file and put the file in the file box.  It's kind of a hodge podge idea at the moment, but as I work with it, I think it will improve.  It may turn out to use way too many file folders.  I'll see as I progress.  I also have gobs and gobs of magazines to get rid of and when I finish school, I will have a big box of homework and supplies I can be rid of, so this is going to be an ongoing project as it was last year.

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