Thursday, January 19, 2012

Vogue 8416: Super Easy! Material Makes It

I'll add more pictures to this when I figure out how to get them off my phone.  I wanted to get something posted in this blog before the end of the week.

I sewed this for a company party with my husband.  I purposefully picked some very lightweight wool knowing we were going to be outside in December.  The evenings had already started to get cool.  So I found some tweedy wool with a little sparkle.  Something I thought was going to be awesome when I found some fabric that had pink circles that looked a little like candy, a black back ground and sparkles just like the wool.

I would use the wool for the jumper and the pink for the top.  Then as is usual, my husband go into the mix.  I wanted him to look nice to receive his award and the whole thing when south.  I bought all new material for a shirt that didn't match the wool at all but would match the material for the vest I was going to make for him wear under his suit coat.  I was not amused, but at the same time, as usual, it was a night for someone else and not me.

The jumper went together with the wool perfectly.  I used tape on the edges of the wool and it really had a nice finish.  For some reason it was a little big.  This is the second vintage Vogue pattern I have sewn that came out big.  The disasterous mumu project being the other one.  I am beginning to question my meausurements or the pattern measurements and I'm leaning toward my measurements.

As  I stated before the material we picked to match the vest did not in anyway match the jumper, but we were home and I was on a deadline to get the clothes sewed.  My husband offered for me to buy different material for the jumper portion, but that didn't happen.  It was too late.

The whole outfit went together very easy and had simple lines.  Other than being a hair too big and not matching, it fit like it was supposed to fit and looked very nice.  I didn't buy the right size buttons for the front, so I had to make do with some leftovers from another outfit.

What I cannot wait to do is make the shirt out of the material I bought to go with the jumper and see how they look together.  I actally bought two kinds of fabric that night in hopes of creating a few outfits.  We shall see how that goes.  I think we all know how that will go.

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